Storytelling for Public Speaking

Storytelling for Public Speaking

Our audiences are running sick and tired of speakers that bring no emotion to the stage, that bore them to death or that use cheap tactics such as “Raise your hand if…”. People want to see authenticity, they want an emotional experience and to listen to something trully unique and remarkable.

If you want to deliver this to the audiences you speak and trully stand out as a speaker, I invite you to join this course. Like any hero, you will embark on a learning process from which you will emerge as a great storyteller. Yet, it will require your full dedication to follow every creative exercise and to dive into the process.

In this course I will share with you the stories and concepts that have helped me in my career as a public speaker and which have utimately lead to me to speak at TEDx University of Piraeus and TEDx Bacău in 2015.

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Who is the target audience?
  • Teachers and Trainers
  • Public Speakers
  • Leaders
  • Marketers
  • Bloggers
  • This course is NOT for professional storytellers, journalists and established writers

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What will I get From this Course

  • You will fully grasp the power of your story so that you can move the hearts of your audience
  • You will learn how to genuinely craft and archive inspiring stories from your personal experience
  • You will master the art of telling stories that will keep your audience on the edge of their seats
  • Therefore at the end of the course you will know how to Engage, Inspire and Educate your Audience using Stories

Course includes:

  • 2.5 hours on-demand video
  • 2 Articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Source – Udemy

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