Best Lessons for Becoming a Standout Writer

Best Lessons for Becoming a Standout Writer

Do you want to impress employers, editors, or online readers with your writing? Do you want to get A grades on term papers and essays? Do you want to become a good writer – in creative non-fiction, journalism, fiction, or academic writing – as quickly as possible?

The secret to this writing success is not studying 200 grammar and style points in the comprehensive writing textbooks. Instead, this course – designed by an experienced university professor and published author with Oxford University Press – shows you the only sentence-level lessons you need to know to write well. These are the 7 most common problems found in people’s writing. These problems most likely lurk – like weeds – in your writing right now.

If you complete the lessons, exercises, and assignments honestly and fully as outlined in this course, then your writing will improve in just a few weeks of intensive study. If you do not find this course helpful, you may request a refund within 30 days, no questions asked.

These lessons, exercises, and assignments were designed and tested at the University of Toronto and York University with thousands of undergraduate students. Many undergraduate students improved their grades by a whole grade category after completing these lessons, finding that this short list of key lessons provides clarity. Students have applied these lessons in the workplace to great success.

Enrol now and complete this course to produce writing that gets you the job, earns you an A grade, lands you a writing contract, or impresses that magazine or newspaper editor.

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In this comprehensive course, I will help you:

  • See sentences more objectively;
  • Understand the factors that interfere with communication;
  • Remove dead language – such as dead verbs and weak nouns – from your writing;
  • Avoid embarrassing clichés;
  • Write more clear, direct, and precise sentences;
  • Use adjectives and adverbs more carefully, in targeted ways;
  • Write poetically and rhythmically with parallelism and sentence variation;
  • Add detail to your writing;
  • Plant vivid images in readers’ minds; and,
  • Become an original writer, not a copy.

Your writing transformation awaits…

Who is the target audience?
  • This course is primarily for beginning writers or intermediate writers looking to target trouble spots in their writing.

For More Information write to us

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What will I get From this Course

  • Write clear, precise, and direct prose
  • Find alternative ways of constructing sentences
  • Communicate better with readers
  • Avoid clichéd words and phrases
  • Develop greater command of the English language

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