What it takes to become Six Sigma Green Belt?

How to become a Six Sigma Green Belt

Role: Six Sigma Green Belt

Popularly Known As:   GB, Green Belt , Lean Six Sigma GB , SS Lead.

What it is ? Six Sigma in a Nutshell!

Six Sigma is a process driven approach or strategy that focuses on perfection and solves problem. It is started some time in 80s in Motorola and today almost all fortune 1000 organizations are effectively deploying it.

Lean Six Sigma

The fundamental principles of six sigma approach are eliminating defects. In simple word it talks about 3.4 defects per million products.  The Importance of Six sigma quality could be understood with a simple example. Let’s say a mobile organization produces mobiles at 99 % accuracy, that means every 100 mobile set is produced 1 will have some defect.  This looks relatively high quality process with 99 % accuracy but if the same quality standard is applied to airline industry for example, for every 100 flight takeoff 1 flight will go down ,  you can imagine the size of damage it creates . The whole airline industry will collapse and no one would dare to fly.  Now you can relate why six sigma asks for 3.4 mistakes per million and how important it could be for organization.

What is the Salary of  Six Sigma Green Belts?

A Six Sigma Green Belt can expect some ware around 35K to 50 K per month In Indian Context. Its equal to Project Leader or Assistant Manager role

Skills Needed to become Six Sigma Green Belt :

  • Should have a fair understanding on statistics
  • Should be data driven & Process Driven (jugaad will not work)
  • Should be able to work with Team leads and managers
  • Understand process and Technology
  • Time and Cost Management
  • Effective Communication
  • Interact with stockholders

How to Reach : What takes you there !?

Six Sigma Green Belt is an entry level Certification in six sigma journey. This needs a good training and hands on expertise with real financial savings to organizations. Anyone who is interested in solving the problem can take up this certification.  This is a team work lead by you. You will have to identify the problem and get into depth of the issues, collect & analyses data and identify the root cause to remove the bottleneck of process and improve.

The whole journey takes around 2 to 3 months after a weeklong training. Cost of  green belt trainings varies somewhere around Rs5000 to 25000 depending on the provider in India. There are number of online training is also available in Trainings Tree for a nominal price.

Following skills will add to success of Green Belt

  • Three to five years of experience
  • Develop Leadership ability with Soft skills
  • Develop expertise in Ms Excel and PowerPoint
  • Enroll for six sigma program (work with someone who is dong ss project )
  • Enroll for Six Sigma Green Belt Training
  • Take up some good Pain area and solve it (Take up GB Project)
  • Implement Six Sigma knowledge across project

Next Level

Six Sigma Black Belt, Project Manager, Transition manager

Who Will Hire You?

Every fortune 500 organizations you name it they have a Business Excellence team who hires six sigma experts. It is a  hot vacancy and well paid. There is good demand for Six Sigma GB people around the world, It really adds value to your profile.


Six Sigma Green Belt  is a much focused data driven role to address the pain of a project. If you are able to solve pain of a project manger you are considered to be ninja. If you have passion for problem solving and right attitude towards process and data six sigma is for you.

As problem exist everywhere you can embrace those problems and grow up the ladder quickly. In fact this is one of the easiest ways to become a manager within a 2 to 3 years time span.  TrainingsTree is a good source to learn Six Sigma courses for a negligible cost, you can find more courses here 

Good Luck !


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