Salary Negotiation: Learn the Negotiation Mindset

Salary Negotiation: Learn the Negotiation Mindset

Learn the importance of salary negotiation in this entertaining and informative intro course.

Negotiating your salary when going for a new job or a raise is a critical skill to make sure you get paid what you deserve, yet it is a topic that makes most everyone anxious.

Before you can master salary negotiation tips and tricks, you first have to be in the right mindset.

Using an easy-to-follow storytelling approach — along with case studies, statistics, and the right amount of humor from Improv-trained actors — this course will change the way you look at negotiation.

In just 20 minutes you will see:

  • Two crucial goals for any negotiation
  • Case studies of negotiations gone wrong
  • The new reality for a post-recession economy
  • What family, friends, and your boss WON’T tell you about negotiation
  • Negotiation statistics and facts
  • The HR perspective
  • The light switch moment of negotiation success
  • Bonus content: 5 Negotiation Mindset Tips for Your Job Search

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Who this course is for:

This course is a crucial introduction for professionals interviewing for a new job, underpaid workers seeking a raise, new college grads — anyone that is new to negotiation and is ready to learn more and earn what they deserve.

What are recommended next steps?

After getting in the proper mindset, see the following advanced courses for specific tips, tactics, and case studies:

  • Salary Negotiation: How to Negotiate a Raise or Promotion
  • Salary Negotiation: How To Negotiate a Job Offer (Student Edition)
  • Salary Negotiation: How To Negotiate a Job Offer (Pro Edition)
Who is the target audience?
  • Job seekers looking to negotiate an offer
  • Employees looking to maximize a raise or promotion
  • College graduates entering the workforce
  • Anyone frustrated that they are underpaid

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What will I get from this course?

  1. Ease anxiety and stress around negotiation
  2. Familiarize yourself with salary negotiation basics
  3. Learn what is at stake for those who don’t negotiate
  4. Get prepared for advanced negotiation techniques

Course Includes:

  • 31 mins on-demand video
  • 1 Article
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Source : Udemy

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