Online learning and its relevance in this knowledge era

Technology is catching up everywhere; education sector is not an exception to this trend. Availability and the reach of mobile internet is making learning easy. Internet mobile technology has truly faltered the online education world, Today I am able to access the knowledge and teaching of Harvard University in a few clicks, it’s almost free.

I can access almost every lectures and courses what USA universities teaching today through a free e learning platform called coursera

This was not possible ten years back, access to such great knowledge repository was a dream, and it was proprietary to elite only. This is the power of technology, today through online learning any one can access any knowledge irrespective of where he comes from and what is their 12th marks looks like !

Already large number small and medium organizations have shifted to online learning for their day today learning requirements. Many software organisation uses e learning for their new employee Inductions and many more places. This is more convenient and cost effective too.

As per the learning industry experts published in  more and more people are opting for e learning in Asian continents. India tops the world with 55 % growth followed by China 52% and Malaysia 41%. This trend is confirming that there is real change is happening in learning industry and people are adopting technology to skill development.

Why online learning or e learning here to stay!?

Old school of thought has some reservations about online learning and its capabilities however, the truth is online learning is here to stay.  Advantages over weigh disadvantages and people are really adopting it.  Let’s look at couple of reason why people choose online learning over tradition classroom training.

Need of the hour: people do not have time to go and enroll for formal class room training and get certified. Every one is in rate race. Tech savvy people are under more pressure to upgrade their skills to catch up ever changing technology and it has become part of their daily diet. So online learning is boon for these people, they can learn anywhere any time and be relevant without much pain.

Ease of use: today people look for comfort in everything be it buying grocery or even big ticket shopping everything happens online. This helps them to spend little more time with their own family. Online learning removes all hurdles they can learn on their own any time anywhere and keep competition at bay. In a way it’s helping all techies to upgrade skills and be relevant. We at Training simply enrolling process and help them to choose best training and workshops available on the corner in a few clicks.

Cost is another factor which makes online learning favorable to trainer as well as learner. Trainer can produce once and sell it to thousands cost remain same and they can afford to sell it for less which benefit learners. Today most of the courses from technology to trekking is available just for $20 to $100 in our TrainingsTree platform because of this technology.  For example a company named  with we are associated have 10000+ courses from anything to everything and everything is reasonably priced , many of them are free.

Knowledge is more important than certification: This is a very important and healthy trend, more and more people are interested in skill enhancement than the certificate as such, though certificate adds some value people are realizing the power of knowledge and embracing free resources without certificates.

Do you think you need to upgrade your skill to grow fast and keep your peers away from snatching your promotion?  We bring you the best courses available in the universe at your finger tips, visit our discovery and course marketplace Trainings Tree. 500+ courses Make use of it!

Plz leave your comments ! I appreciate it !


The author is the founder and the CEO of Discovery and e learning course marketplace TrainingsTree. He carries  20+ years of Business Transformation and Training experience in Large corporate.

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  1. have written more detailed article on advantages of online learning  in my other post online line learning and its relevance in knowledge .  Being an edu tech entrepreneur  how people are embracing the change and quickly