The Ultimate Guide to Love, Dating & Relationships

The Ultimate Guide to Love, Dating & Relationships

The key ingredient to happy and fulfilled people is the quality of their intimate, social, family and professional relationships – nothing else in life comes even remotely close.

We all want that special ‘someone’ who’s going to love us unconditionally, honour us and accept us for just being who we are. Unfortunately though, if we’ve had more than our fair share of bad relationships through our lifetime, then it can become easy to suspect there’s no right person, just many different alternative of wrong.

The good news, is that the world is full of Mr & Mrs Right’s, and if we’ll but only invest time now, into becoming the kind of person that they’re looking for, then it’s only a matter of time before our day’s of being single are over.

This Ultimate Guide to Love, Dating & Relationships will help you to discover the timeless secrets, principles and strategies that enable people to build healthy, happy and rewarding relationships throughout every area in life.

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The Ultimate Guide to Love, Dating & Relationships will help you to:

  • Build Strong Connections With Friends, Colleagues and Romantic Partners.
  • Improve Your Family Relationships (With Spouses, Children & Parents).
  • Transform the Quality of the Relationship That You Have With Yourself.
  • Address Self-Esteem Issues & Your Ability to Attract or Retain a Great Partner.
  • Enhance Your Ability to Identify & Resolve Conflicts in More Effective Ways.
  • Recognise & Understand the Factors That Influence Relationship Breakdown.
  • Define the Characteristics & Attributes That You Want in Your Long Term Partner.

Regardless of your relationship status and sexual orientation, The Ultimate Guide to Love, Dating & Relationships will provide you with an actionable range of crucial communication principles, insights and strategies for engaging with other people in the most impacting ways. Your life and your relationships will never be the same.

These are the times of fast foods, slow digestion, big men, small character, steep profits and very shallow relationships. By the end of the course you’ll understand the steps that you can start taking today towards building healthy relationships that last, and also begin connecting with other people in a far more meaningful way.

Partnered with 100% Money Back Guarantee, join thousands of others in learning how to build stronger, healthier and more fulfilling relationships throughout the most important areas of your life.


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Who is the target audience?
  • SINGLES: Those who are actively searching for a serious long term relationship.
  • COUPLES: Those who are already in a relationship and are committed to strengthening their existing connection.
  • DIVORCEES: This course will identify the skills and qualities that will enable you to make a successful selection of your next partner.
  • MEN & WOMEN: The course is gender neutral, for any age and for any sexual orientation. Anyone can benefit from it.
  • HELPING SPECIALISTS: Those who provide relationships advice, coaching or counselling in a teaching, mentoring or a therapeutic context.
  • STUDENTS: Those who are still in education and want to how to build strong relational connections before committing to a life partner or entering the workplace.
  • ANYONE: Who wants to know how to build lasting relationships through earning the trust and admiration of other people.

What will I get from this course?

  • Discover the key strategies that strengthen relationships and that keep them exciting and alive
  • Be more genuine and authentic throughout you full range of personal and professional relationships.
  • Deal with the inevitable challenges that often arise in relationships
  • Learn how to communicate more effectively with other people.
  • Identify and choose a long term life partner more effectively.
  • Understand how to earn the trust of other people.
  • Recognize the telltale signs that a relationship isn’t working.
  • Dissolve arguments and disagreements before they even begin.
  • Transform the quality of your intimate, social and professional relationships.
  • Know how to build stronger and more vibrant relationships.

Course Includes:

  • 6 hours on-demand video
  • 15 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Source : Udemy




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