15 Golden Rules for Happy Life| Successful Life Hacks | Golden Rules to Stay Happy All the Time

15 Golden Rules for Happy Life

  1. Be happy Not because of everything is good, But you can see Good in Everything.
  2. Lovely thing to learn from water : adjust yourself in every situation and in any shape, but most importantly find your way to flow.
  3. Life is not meant to be easy, it is meant to be Lived. Some time Happy Some time Sad, But every up and down, You learn Lessons that will make you strong.
  4. In the end the Treasure of Life is missed by those who hold on, and gained by those who let Go.
  5. Some time you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be. But life Goes On.
  6. Stay Positive, Even when you feel like everything is falling apart.
  7. Life is the greatest journey you will ever be on.
  8. Always End the day with Positive thoughts. No Matter how hard things were. Tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make it better.
  9. Don’t wait for things to get easier, Life will be always be complicated. Learn to be happy Now. Otherwise you Run out of Time.
  10. Always do the right things, No matter what others say. It is you, not them who has to face the consequences.
  11. Silence is the best answer to someone who does not understand your feelings.
  12. It’s time to be just Happy, being Angry, Sad and Over thinking is Not Worth it anymore. Just let things flow, Be Positive
  13. No matter how Good or Bad you think Life is, wakeup every day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive.
  14. It makes a big difference in your Life, when you Stay Positive.
  15. Every day is a new beginning, Take a deep breath, and Start over again.

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