6 Steps to Develop Your Leadership Style

How to develop your Leadership Styles

In order to improve and develop as a leader, either at work or at home, you need to develop your leadership ways. We all have a default style, what we think is easier to use, but the best leaders can use any of Goleman’s six styles and move easily between them. To improve leadership skills, you need to go beyond the default style and start using the other five styles more easily.

How can you do this?

See our page: 6 types of leadership styles to lead

What are the steps to Develop your Leadership?

Step 1: Identify the Default Style Leadership.

“What is your preferred leadership style?

Do you discover yourself asking other people for their opinions, or telling everyone what they have to do and expect to do? Does it go from the front or worry about where you all go and if there is a clear vision?  If you stop thinking about the next time you are in anxiety, you will have a great picture of your preferred style.

Step 2: Work on your weaknesses

Having identified your strengths, you must now think and develop the styles that you are not good at.  Hear you could make use of  Goleman’s Styles Leadership. Some of you will not feel natural, so you should find a way to use them that feels right to you. Here I would be showing Shakespeare’s work to explain you how different style is used in different situation in the past.

In Shakespeare’s work, Henry II, Henry is fighting a war with France and wins. France is totally defeated. Henry has designed his basic strong and leading styles: the terms of Richard Olivier, the warrior and the king, and the terms of Daniel Goleman, the style of command and rape. But Henry must now win peace. It has to join England and France in a new, combined country that can rule and pass to its unborn children. This means relying on new ways of leadership, including the Democrat and the Dedicated, and harnessing its “female potential”.

Shakespeare showed this, having the judge of Henry Princess Katherine of France. For Olivier, she represents “female medicine”, the female dynamics that can bring about change and growth. Utilizing her energy and potential, Henry will bring the female into his life. She knows what she is and says to her: “Take me, get a soldier, get a soldier, get a king.” He needs to make the full leader. For Henry V, the right way to learn about his lost lead style was to learn from others: in particular, Princess Katherine. And seeing and learning from others is a great way to learn new leadership styles, although you must remember to try them too.

At first, when you try something else you’ve been watching, you’ll feel like you’re copying and you may feel unnatural, but stick to it. Like an actor, you should try your new role until it comes naturally.

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Step 3: Draw on others

No one will have all the leadership qualities or styles on your own, but as you work on their growth, you can pump others from your team to speed up when necessary.

Note which of your team have the skills and styles you find particularly hard and encourage them to take the lead when their style is more suited than yours. You have trouble building links and developing the harmony of the team, but have you noticed that one of your colleagues can always smooth out the situations? Use this ability: step back and allow this person to lead whenever the situation requires kinship leadership. After all, the best leaders create other leaders, not followers.

Step 4: Identify and develop your style

Playing your best is important, so make sure you know what you are good at. This may be your default style, but you also have other leadership skills.

Others may think that they are even more valuable. Rebecca Hourston of Aspire, who writes for Forbes.com, suggests that you ask colleagues to tell you the five best things about your leadership style.

Step 5: Differentiate Yourself

Richard Olivier suggests that to help you develop your leadership style away from your “favorite character,” you need to start new activities.

She says you need to identify the character (good king, medical woman, great mother or warrior) that is much more different than you and that it makes it difficult for you to “move”. Then think of an activity that seems to be the best representation of this character or potential.

In general, the Warrior is through decisive and energetic activity, the Good King through order and structure, the Medical Woman through creativity and the Great Mother through relaxation and aging.

So if you want to develop your inner warrior, you can take on a new sport, especially a very natural one. If it is the medical woman you find most difficult, try painting or pottery. You may be cynical about whether there is a real relationship between your physical activity and your leadership style. Being able to use a particular leadership style is not necessarily having a specific set of skills, although each style definitely uses a specific set of skills. It is also about adopting a particular mindset, and this seems to be influenced by the environment and activity.

Olivier’s way of thinking also works for Goleman’s leadership styles. Think of what style you find harder, which will be called your “stretch style” and remember the brief description and the features of the phrase. Think about how you could say things if you work in this style of stretching and practices that tells them that way. Find ways that still sound like you, but in this style.

For example, some people find it easier to give orders if they make them sound humorous. Others find that they can work friendly if they publicly recognize their difficulties before they begin to discuss feelings. It’s about it

Step 6: Hold a mirror

It may be difficult to hear some of what they say, so do not ask if you really do not want to learn. And while you give and receive feedback is another skill; remember not to take it personally. Accept the generosity, with the spirit in which it is offered, and decide whether you want to act on it or not. Then go ahead be honest about your strengths and weaknesses

It’s really important to look for feedback when you’re trying to develop your leadership styles. We said earlier that you should ask what you are already good at, but you can also ask others to give you feedback on how they felt when they behaved in different ways. .

When you develop new skills, remember that the truth will remain like a wicked thumb. Like Henry V, we must always be honest about what you are, and about how you want to change. People will usually see if you do an act, so they are honest about what you’re trying, and exercise is so important. But if you practice, try as actors in “safe” situations, when you really need the new style, it will come naturally and honestly.

The most effective leaders do not just use a style, but they can move between styles, choosing the one that best suits the situation. Once you know the style you prefer, you can start to develop others.

For example, if you are naturally a democratic or philosophical leader, you may find it difficult to take a command or act quickly in a crisis. We will need to find a way to adopt the style of command or coercion in a way that feels true to you, perhaps by injecting some humor into your commands.

Each of us has a preferred leadership style, usually the one in which we have preselected during times of stress. One of the easiest ways to find your preference is to see what kind of things you say when you stress. You are the man who says “What do you think?” or it right, we will do it in my way now! “;

An advantage of looking at various alternative leadership models is that one or the other can give you a clearer idea of ​​how to move between the possible forms. Olivier’s case is that Henry II, as a leader, moves between all these styles during the game. Studying how to do it can be a surprisingly insightful experience in day-to-day leadership. It may be some comfort to understand that even Henry had to work hard to develop the leadership style beyond the “warrior”.

Conclusion on  developing leadership styles

Though many people think leadership as a “job” skill, there are many opportunities to use different forms of leadership at home. Your family can be a safer “soundboard” to try out new ideas from some of your less tolerant colleagues, especially as you try styles that are more distant from your physical and therefore feel difficult.  However, insist, block your leaders’ muscles in safe situations, and you will almost certainly find yourself using your new skills naturally and confidently “real” when you need them.

Also read on 6 types of leadership style to lead

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