Work Life Balance for Entrepreneurs, The Complete Guide

Work Life Balance for Entrepreneurs, The Complete Guide

Being an entrepreneur and/or working from home sounds like the ultimate freedom… corporate renegades willing to risk life outside the box in hopes of following our passions and living our dreams! We can choose our own hours, have more time for our family and friends, have no boss lurking over our shoulder, no cubicle cell, and no disruptive co-workers. Whether you’re a business owner, independent contractor, at-home parent or telecommuter, we know you chose your form of self-employment because you wanted 2 things: balance and control. Yet, if you’re like us and so many entrepreneurs we’ve worked with you feel unbalanced and out of control.

The illusion of freedom quickly fades and our personal lives, our businesses, and our family and friends suffer… we get out of balance. We end up feeling stressed out, burnt out and overwhelmed. But there is hope! We have discovered the secrets to bringing balance, fulfillment and success to the lives of the self-employed, which we’ve learned through our own experience in the trenches as well as through years of study and working with thousands of entrepreneurs.

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The course will cover:

  • 10 Tools for Balance, Burnout and Boundaries
  • 10 Tools for Time Management and Planning
  • 10 Tools for Productivity and Efficiency
  • 10 Tools for Combating Stress
  • And 5 Tools for Balance through Deliberate Creation

This course doesn’t just give you a list of ideas that sound great but that you’ll quickly forget and go about your old habits and unproductive ways… we provide engaging lectures that are very real and to the point with some humor to bring some joy to your day! Plus, every lecture includes a proven, practical tools in a downloadable worksheet that will help you put on paper what you are going to do to take back control of your life and your freedom.

In this course we are going to give you everything we have learned and live—and we’re going to do it in a quick-and-easy format so even the most time-crunched business owner or household juggler can commit to themselves and create the balanced and fulfilling business they’ve always wanted!

Who is the target audience?
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Self-employed people
  • Independent contractors
  • Telecommuters or people who work from home

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What will I get from this course?

  1. Use proven tools for time management, productivity and efficiency
  2. Prevent and recover from burnout and overwhelm
  3. Establish empowering boundaries for yourself and others
  4. Create a work schedule that works for your unique personality, needs and life circumstances
  5. Utilize time-saving tools for planning your goals and tasks
  6. Ensure you have time dedicated for friends, family and yourself
  7. Avoid common personal and business time wasters
  8. Master your email
  9. Delegate your personal and work life to free your time to focus on income producing results and doing what you love most
  10. Prevent stress and anxiety by using powerful tools like writing, mindfulness and brain breaks
  11. Learn powerful tools for getting happy, boosting productivity and having more fun
  12. Feel empowered that you can create the work and personal life you truly desire
  13. Experience the true freedom of choice and time that inspired you to work for yourself in the first place

Course Includes:

  1. 5.5 hours on-demand video
  2. 1 Article
  3. 47 Supplemental Resources
  4. Full lifetime access
  5. Access on mobile and TV
  6. Source : Udemy

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