Transforming Career Through Six Sigma

Six Sigma what it is?

Six Sigma an Management approach to solve a complex business problem . The core principles of six sigma are reducing defects to zero. Six Sigma process allows you to make very less mistakes only 3.4 mistakes are allowed when you produce a  million product or service, it’s pretty high quality standard. Six Sigma approach is applicable to all kind of service as well as manufacturing processes. In this competitive era adopting Six Sigma technique helps save millions of $ to organizations and improve customer satisfaction.

Recently there has been a buzz around Lean Six Sigma. Lean six sigma also talks about the same level of defect free environment, Learn approach very popular which is originated from Toyota Quality System which focus about 7 types of wastes as well as defect free production.

Six sigma focuses on:

  • Defect Free Process
  • Identify Wastes
  • Customer Focus
  • Data Driven approach
  • Value and Non Value adds from customer point

Application of Six Sigma and its Popularity:

Six Sigma  is applicable to every kind of Industry. Today each and every customer is important to grow the business. Six Sigma process is one of the way they can control their process defects and ensure quality of service. The biggest advantage of six sigma is benefits are highly visible and very effective where the error cost is fatal to human life . For example airline industry cannot run less than six sigma level; in fact it is running higher than Six Sigma level. In hospital industry it’s very useful as it can save many lives. Off late every organization is having six sigma belts (Yellow, Green and Black etc) on their employment belt. These belts are highly process oriented professionals who look at problems in a data driven approach and convert it into simple realistic solution.

How Six Sigma can help your career what is the potential?

There are different levels one has to undergo to become expert in Six Sigma, though different organizations follow different nomenclature broadly classified in these levels

Yellow Belt: the one who is part of Process and interested in data driven approach understand the process well and implements the changes . They are normally part of a operations team . Yellow belts are the member Green Belt project.

Green Belt: Are the professionals who are very close to process and deployed for solving a pain, normally in a team lead role and has a thorough knowledge on subject and technical ability to look from customer point of view.

Black Belt: Highly technical experts who are good in data analysis and quality process, great problem solvers with a radical new design, who can speak to stake holder and help them to improve the business bottom-line. Normally BB takes up projects which are highly impact full and mentors multiple Green Belt projects under them.

Master Black Belt: These are all well qualified Business Heads who drives cultural changes in the organizations and accountable to CEO of the organization. Highly technical ability with business insights and customer managing ability. These people are in normally VP and Sr. VP level directly reporting to COO or CEOs.

Economics & Pre requisites to become Six Sigma Belts

There is no prerequisite or pre qualification to get into Six Sigma , however a good knowledge on data and business will help to understand the process in a outside in view .

Six Sigma Professionals are paid heavily across the industry, average salary of a Green Belt would be from 45 K to 60K and BB would draw a decent 100K from Indian Scenario, in international market a Black Belt is paid from $100 -125 k

Normally it takes 3-5 years to become a Manager and 8-12 to become a VP level with a handsome salary in hand.

My Few Cents

Being a Master Black Belt worked with many reputed organisation I would suggest any one who is looking for making a difference to organisation and grow fast in the ladder this is the best way, it is going to be tough path however worth it! You can refer to some of the best Quality source and take informed decision . These are the two source i refer  Good Luck!!

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