
VIDEO EDITING. Techniques loved by pro broadcast filmmakers


Creative video editing techniques used by professionals is taught by a veteran, international award-winning editor.


VIDEO EDITING. Techniques loved by pro broadcast filmmakers

What you’ll learn

  • Editing is as important, if not more important than content gathering. Good editing isn’t an option if you want to create inspiring videos through editing techniques
  • Capture an audience by creative editing techniques taught by an international award winning editor
  • Turn your amateur videos into a professional productions with creative editing flair.
  • Please don’t take this course if you are wanting to improve your ability to use editing software, but do want to improve your creativity.

Operators and editors.

In the pro broadcast world, there two types of editors: Operators and editors.

An operator is someone who should be an expert at the software, understands codecs, as well as the export parameters needed for broadcast. Very often, these people are not particularly creative, because creativity is not their main focus. Often, it’s the technical side of video that excites them the most.

Before you do this course, I have a question:

  1. Do you mainly want to be taught all the technical stuff regarding video production? (called an operator-editor) Or. . .
  2. Do you want to become a creatively intuitive, clever video editor, that can create amazing content from your, or other people’s footage? (called an editor) If yes, then this course is for you.

If you answered 1, then this is not a course for you. I don’t teach the tech stuff at all. Because, honestly, I am no expert myself. I have worked in broadcast TV as an editor for 37 years, won awards in New York and Cannes, and yet I still only have a basic understanding of the tech stuff. Because, believe it or not, I don’t need it. And neither do you!

I am an editor. I am not an operator.

Editing video (understanding the software) is a straightforward, if complex subject. It is taught all over the Internet. But find me a truly creative video editing course. I can’t find a good one anywhere. So I created this one.

Editing video is easy to do, but difficult to do well.

The trouble is, most video courses on the net are presented by filmmakers making wedding videos and low budget music videos. Very few are broadcast professionals. The proof is that most video editing courses focus primarily on software, which requires limited creative insight.

This course is not about software.

You will learn:

  • How to attract, grab and hold onto your audience,
  • How to entertain your audience, and have them wanting more,
  • How to make your edits seamless and integrated,
  • How to select music, and avoid the dangers of bad music choices,
  • How to avoid the traps amateurs often fall into,
  • How to use the power of visual elements,
  • The importance of the audio track. Oh, so important!
  • Music montage editing— easy to do, but difficult to do well,
  • How to edit dialogue,
  • How and when to use transitions,
  • How to maximise the power of sound effects,
  • Some stuff about YouTube.
  • Editing software and what’s good, and what’s less good.

All these skills will make your editing experience easy and intensely creative. You can become a great filmmaker.


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