Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible, Mature Children


Learn parenting skills and strategies to create a loving and nurturing home.


Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible, Mature Children

Parenting is tough and mistakes made in a moment can take years to repair. Therefore, learning the skills of effective parenting will be one of the most worthwhile ventures you ever pursue.

Roger K. Allen, PhD, has studied family relationships for many years and developed a time-tested set of tools to help parents succeed in raising responsible, emotionally mature children. Replete with examples and case studies, his time-proven course gives you concrete strategies you can immediately put into practice.

We know that good communication is at the heart of a healthy family. But so often our natural tendencies are to either over control or cave-in and overindulge our children. Either way, our children either fail to learn from their experiences or grow in emotional maturity and self-responsibility.

Dr. Allen will teach you skills to establish loving authority in your home, put an end to conflict and power struggles, and communicate with your children (from toddlers to teens) in ways that solve problems, build trust, enhance self-worth, and help your children learn personal responsibility. Are you ready to start the journey?

Who is the target audience?
  • This course is for parents (toddlers to teens) who need tools and skills to build happier relationships and emotionally healthy children.
  • Any parent who needs new strategies for appropriately dealing with a child or teenager.
  • New parents who want to raise successful, responsible children.

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