6 types of Leadership Styles to lead

Leadership Style to lead your Team 

Leadership is all about traits, using that one Leaders make followers obey their command. As you are aware making  people to work according to your direction is an  extra ordinary art, And some people get this art by birth for  others will acquire this art by practice and years of learning.

Leadership style has many shades and temperaments depending on the situation and how you have been grown up has a larger influence on your style of leading. Let us look at some of the commonly found leadership styles around us

There are many different models of leadership style than those that look at how much “control” you want to other people around the “potential”. One of the best-known models is Daniel Goleman’s six leading styles.

Goleman is probably best known for his work on Emotional Intelligence, but he also conducted a pioneering study on leadership, which was published in the Harvard Business Review in 2000 as “Leadership Leading Results”.

Based on a three-year study of over 3,000 executives, Daniel Goleman has identified six different types of leadership:

  • Forcing (or ordering)
  • Autocratic
  • Democratic


Six styles of leadership

1.     Force Leadership: Forced leaders demand immediate obedience.

    In one sentence, this style is “Do what I say”.

These leaders show initiative, self-control and lead to succeed. There is, of course, time and place for such a leadership: a battlefield is the classic example, but any crisis will require a clear, calm, leadership. This style, however, encourages no one else to take the initiative and often has a negative impact on the way people feel.

2.     Set the rate Leadership : Leaders regulating the rhythm expect excellence and self-direction.

This style can be summarized as ‘Do as I do now’.

The Settlement Regulator leads a lot to the example, but this type of leadership only works with a highly competent and well-motivated team. It can only be kept for a while without the team members being noted. Like the Coercive leader, rhythm regulators also demonstrate the pursuit of success and take initiative, but instead of self-control, they are associated with consciousness.

3.     Autocratic Leadership: Autocratic leaders move people to a vision.

This style is likely to be summarized as “Come with me”.

These leaders are visionary and are the most useful style when it takes a new vision or a clear direction and is very positive. Autocratic leaders have high self-confidence and empathy, acting as a catalyst for change, drawing people to vision and engaging them in the future.

4.     Complementary Leadership: A Dedicated Leader appreciates and creates emotional ties and harmony.

Relative leaders believe that “people are coming first.”

These leaders demonstrate empathy and strong communication skills and are very good at building relationships. This style is very useful when a team has gone through a difficult experience and has to cure cracks or develop incentives. It is not very style-oriented, so anyone who uses it should make sure that others understand that the goal is group harmony rather than specific tasks.

It is probably obvious that it can not be used alone for any length of time if you need to “complete the job”.

5.     Democratic Leadership: Democratic leaders conclude consensus through participation.

Democratic leaders are constantly asking, “What do you think?”

Such leaders show high levels of cooperation, team leadership and strong communication skills. This leadership style works well in building ownership for a project, but it can do for slow progress toward achieving the goals until some momentum has been created. Anyone who wants to use this style should make sure the senior executives have signed the process and understand that it may take time to develop consensus.

6.     Mentoring Leadership :Leaders of leadership are developing people

The phrase that summarizes this leadership style is “Try it”

Leadership leaders allow people to try different approaches to problem solving and achieving an open goal. The coaching leader shows high levels of empathy, self-awareness and skills in the development of others. A coaching style is particularly useful when an organization appreciates long-term staff development.

 What kind of leadership Style you should follow?


No matter what kind of leader you are, to be effective leader one has to follow the leadership traits. Though this is not the exhaustive list of leadership styles , this gives you major styles. If you keenly observe today’s leaders, political or business or professional environment where you are are, you would see all kind of leadership style explained above. Again each style has its advantage as well as disadvantage, No one style is better than other , it is all depending on the situation and the kind of people you are driving. Culture of the organization / Organization and the maturity of the people whom you are leading has a major influence on your leadership style.

A Smart leaders will use different techniques and mixed leadership style to make the best of multiple leadership styles. To be a great leaders you need to be a change agent and start identifying your style and combine with other styles which is most suitable to you situation.

We have listed many good source and courses for leadership styles in our pages , please do ref them and practice to be a great leader in your area of expertise.

Find the list of best resources for developing your leadership style here 

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