How to make money out of your photography hobby

Photography a hobby and money tree

Who dont want to remember good old days and sweet memories? Photography is a art and science of capturing the great moments and memories.  This gives you an idea how photography could be a hobby as well as career, to start with it may be hobby, however if you are able to pursue photography with a greater passion you will become a professional photographer.

Today every mobile has a camera with a high resolution output, every where you see people clicking pictures. Photography as a profession needs little more than a street photo clicking. Like any other profession this art too needs an clear understanding of handling camera according to the situation and the scene to be captured.

You could find range of photography courses( both online as well as classroom) around you by expert established mentors , Today we are going give you complete information about Photography and Good Source for learning them here in this photography courses list

Why do we need a photography Courses ? what skills we learn ?

Photography courses needs variety of skills to bring the object in to life, There are many things to be learned in photography from holding a camera properly to clicking a flying objects. Photography courses will teach you how to use tripods, kight boxes, lenses, camera focus many more technical things which otherwise you would take time to learn. To keep your pictures clean and apealing you will have to edit to remove unwanted stuffs like background disturbances, this needs photo editing software knowlege as well. Well designed course will help you to understand all the things you need to know about photography and helps you to kick start your shooting journey.

Once you become a skilled photographer there are different segment you can develop expertise. For example wedding photography, baby shavers to event coverage to  travel out door shooting each on need different skill sets. Depending on your interest and the opportunity available you can take up any stream and master your skills. Good Photography course in each stream will help you to quickly understand the nuances and the techniques to be mastered.

Top Photography Courses and Fees List

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Different types of photography training  (basic to Masters)

Photography courses are designed to meet all kind of learners from beginners to advanced level. Depending on your skills level one can choose the basic photography course to advanced professional photography courses. Recently online photography courses are becoming very popular, as it gives you the inconvenience of of learning on your own pace while you practice the technology in real time. Advantage of online photography courses is you can learn on your own and courses are thought by expert photographers from any corner of the world. So your knowledge is not restricted from one country or one technique. Cost of learning photography courses are very less compare to classroom training, you would save a lot. The flexible nature of online (e- learning ) gives you an edge over classroom especially when you are in travelling and learning photography.

DSLR your money making machine

DSLR are very powerful technology you can convert this machine in to money making business

We all own camera, in a way we are all photographers, however managing a DSLR and the clicking a picture from our mobile phone is entirely different game all together. Though technology has improved in mobile cameras, they are way behind the DSLR camera. DSLR cameras are much more capable of what we normally achieve in our day to day photography. When you have a greater technology in your hand it is advisable to know how to use it as well. To produce a greater result one has to understand and learn to use basic techniques like ISO, Aperture, shutter speed , lightnings lenses adjustments etc. A good Photography course is a right way to start your journey as photographer.

Training programs are also designed based on the type of camera being used. Though it appears common names each established brand has their own strengthens, Nikon and Cannon Sony to name a few. You need to choose a right course depending on the brand or a model camera you own. 

Photo editing software (Adobe Photoshop)

Editing is another skills which will enhance the picture quality in many fold, this needs a software as well as creativity to imagine the perfect combination to bring the best out. Software like Adobe Photoshop and many other online tools will help you edit the picture. Photography courses (advanced) will teach you how to handle these top notch software and bring the best in you. You can take a separate course on these Adobe photoshop to master your skill desperately, however most of the photography workshop will teach you the basic of this software.

Lighting and flash

Lighting plays an important role is photography, whether it is outdoor or indoor you will agree that you have seen a spot boy carrying all the time the light equipment and a supporting umbrella. While learning you will have to understand the ligghting arrangement and fous in deeper to have a better output. Photography advance courses will have much detailed discriptions about the different techniques used and the camera settings.

When we say lighting in photography there my be different for example

  • Studio lighting set up
  • Layering effects
  • Umbrella overhead effects
  • Natural landscape lighting effects

How to make money out of your photography hobby

Now that you have become a photographer what is the next step ? how will people know about your work and how can you start making money  is that the question you have ? Dont worry you are not different!  Most of us who invested time and money in this would want return as well. So the next step is create your own blog or world press website (its easy to create we can help you if you need) and start posting your pictures with your story. Its ok if the first few pics are not great .. you will learn, What is importent is continue to click and publish in your portal.

Many image portals like  imagesbazaar  , Shutterstock  or istockphoto in  images to name a few will help you to reach a global audience for your pictures . Here is a list of top stock photo platforms where you can sell your pictures . Social media could be very handy.  Approach your friends and family circle to start with. they will have many occasion to click a picture , marriage, birth day , anniversary bla bla.. these are all great point to start and clicking. Your money tree is growing and with in no time you will be a busy person with great assignment in your hand. Hope this will help you to choose best photography courses listed here. Its time to take action Choose any of the online or offline classes near to you. If you need any help we are there at your service call us or mail us at [email protected] we will point you to right resources. As popular say goes  Starting is half done good Luck !

P.N: In case if you are conducting course on photography would like to add your name , please write to us with your work details we will revert back to you at the earliest.

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