
How To Start Getting Paid To Write Online: 33 Ways To Do It


How to find people and sites that pay you reliably for your writing so you can create a “freedom” lifestyle w/ writing!
Lectures            63
Video                 4 Hours
Skill level         All level


Course Description

LATEST: Course Updated October 2015


Who else wants to take their love and talent for writing and turn it into multiple streams of freelance writer income?

In this course we cover how to START actually getting paid real money for your writing online.

You can use these techniques to understand how to structure your writing business online, find paying customers quickly, and quickly create an independent lifestyle around your paid writing!

Heck, I even show you how to transition from writing for other people as a work-for-hire into “freedom writing” where you work for yourself!

In fact, here’s just a sample of what we’ll cover on this incredible course:

The exact mechanics of how to get paid real money for your writing by other people…
The THREE (3) categories of paid writing and how to make money in each one of them…
Specific strategies for making money with your writing in 15-minute slots EVERYONE has time for…
A simple, duplicatable strategy to get people to eagerly pay you for your writing while avoiding the “wage slave” trap that snags most writers…
How to leverage your writing into cash even if you have no products or ebooks to sell and want to avoid customer service like the plague…
3 Specific things you can write in 30 minutes that people will eagerly pay you for…
How to leverage sites like “Fiverr” to get much more lucrative and ongoing writing jobs (that pay a LOT more than just a measly $5 per gig)…
The single biggest mistake people make when they first try to get paid for their writing (and how to avoid it)…
How to get paid for writing you don’t do! (Yep, how to get paid for writing jobs without actually doing any of the writing yourself)…
FOURTEEN (14) specific strategies that will get you paid to write that take an 90 minutes or less to do…
… and much, MUCH More!
Don’t miss this breakthrough course that will finally show you how to leverage your love of writing into a more independent and profitable lifestyle (no matter how busy you are right now).

Watch the 7+ FREE Preview videos right now…

And of course, put this course to the test! Understand that we insist on offering a FULL, Unconditional 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. This course WILL show you how to get paid to write online, or we’ll give you your money back… no questions asked.

Quick Disclaimer: this is obviously not an offer of employment. Some of these freelance writing job opportunities are one-off, others can repeat indefinitely, and still others involve freelance writing for yourself (which is ultimately where you want to be because that’s how you typically make the most money and have the most control over your time). Some may lead to full time employment, but the VAST majority are done on an independent contractor basis (which is what freelance writing is all about).

My Promise: So while I can’t guarantee you’ll find a full-time job, I can guarantee to show you all the ways I make and have made money as a freelance writer as well as how others are doing it too, right now, online. The rest will be up to you to take what you learn and apply it as any good freelance writer would.

What are the requirements?

You should love to write
You should have a good grasp of using software like Word or other word processor
You should be willing to learn and use what you learn to build a real business
What am I going to get from this course?

Over 63 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!
By the end of this course you will know exactly where and how to get paid to write online
In this course you will learn exactly where to go to find gigs, how to negotiate, and how to hire yourself out as a writer
NONE of the sites or techniques we show you for finding places to write or getting gigs to write cost anything. This is 100% legit and NOT some sort of get-rich-quick scheme, MLM or any other nonsense like that.
What is the target audience?

This course is intended for people who want to write and get paid for your writing
This course is intended for people who have at least an hour a day they want to devote to getting paid to write online
This course is NOT for the get-rich-quick or make money with no effort crowd


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