
Getting Started With Microsoft Azure


Performing Basic Tasks in Microsoft Azure


Getting Started With Microsoft Azure


This entry-level course introduces the student to Microsoft Azure.  Students taking this course will learn what Azure is and what it offers.  Basic resource deployment skills are also taught so, at course completion, students will not only understand what Azure offers but will also know how to perform basic tasks, such as deploying resource groups, dashboards, virtual machines, network security groups, and virtual networks.

Getting Started with Azure is perfect for the IT professional who has had minimal exposure to Microsoft Azure and is interested in learning the basics of the platform. Basic deployment tasks such as virtual machine deployment, virtual network deployment, and more are taught so the student can grasp the fundamentals of deployment and navigation.

The newly-added section on PowerShell walks the student through the process of installing the AzureRM module and hwo to use it to connect to Azure via PowerShell.

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who is interested in learning about Microsoft Azure
What Will I Learn?
  • Deploy Azure Resource Groups
  • Deploy Azure Dashboards

  • Deploy Azure Virtual Machines via the Portal

  • Deploy Azure Virtual Machines via PowerShell
  • Deploy Azure Virtual Networks via the Portal
  • Deploy Azure Virtual Networks via PowerShell
  • Deploy Network Security Groups
  • Deploy Public IP Addresses in Azure
  • Deploy Firewall Rules in Azure


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