Growth Essential Price

Growing beyond your neighborhoods!
Budget Aprx
Starting Level Establishing Enquiries Establish the Building blocks-Visibility, Reach and Access through our Discovery & Course University 6 to 18K /year
1 Publish your courses, -will improve visibility leads to enrollment        
2 Build your profile- Improve search and reach, leads to inquiries 
3 Highlight your expertise-helps in credibility ref
4 Show your courses to our learners-Leads to enrollment       
5 Give a back link to your website- increases your website credentials 
6 Keyword focused optimization-Helps students to reach you through Google
7 Publish your articles-Projects your authority on the subjects
8 Others
Managed Level Accelerate Enrollment “This stage Go beyond your neighborhood and fill your classroom
” 6K to 25 K / Month
1 Publish high visible articles 
2 Create Focused social media Strategy, (FB, Linked in,Tweeter, Google, Blog etc)
3 Increase the mindshare and engagement,
4 Release focused Google ads and linked in ads
5 Drive Reviews ,Offer Promotions 
6 Others
Expansion Level Spreading the Wings This stage advanced Branding activities are carried out to make a chain institutes like NIIT or Akash 50K to 500 K/Month

1 Multiples city, Multiple Branches Branding
2 Multiple courses with Multiple domain
3 Print and Digital presence
4 Dedicated people to drive Marketing and Branding
5 Media Promotion
6 Others

Custom Design Through our Growth Essential tool we customize the service 3K To 40K (Varies )

Level Cost Estimate at Each Level (Approximately) INR (Aprx)
Starting Level Basic Profile and Visibility activity with publishing 1 to two course of your choice 6K to 18 K/ Year
Expansion Level This level involves external platforms like Google , Linked in and FB, Even print media some time. 6 K to 15 K/ Month
Expansion Level This level goes beyond the second level, Print, TV, Video and Hoardings 50 K to 500k/ Month

Growth Essential tools
Email Campains Email campaign (less than 1000 mails ) email id to be given Rs 3 to 4 ( Manual)
Mass email campaign ( 1001 to 100000) Rs 2 to 3 ( Auto)
Social Media Social media handling
Handling FB Promotions and posting regularly for 6 month Rs.18000 (for 6 month)
Releasing adds and payment settings and driving clicks and likes (actual charges of FB)+ Rs.5000/ Month
Managing Linkedin/ Google Adds ( actual charges +) 6000/ Month
Website Friendly website creation and teach you how to manager (actual charges )+ 6 to 10 K
Managing your website (actual charges )+ 6 K/Year
Plz Note: This gestimate is only in approximation and will vary depending on the service you have availed

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